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Соционический форум » Архив форума » Interpol

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Сообщений: 15/11

Обожаю их творчество. В текстах очень много интуиции, , . Тексты пишет лидер группы, Пол Бэнкс. По слаженности музыкального материала они вообще на квадру похожи... Музыка, в основном, как мне кажется, послушайте, очень любопытно...
А вот их фото :

Слева направо : Сэм Фогарино, Дэниэл Кесслер, Карлос Дэнглер, Пол Бэнкс.

Вот отдельно Пол, у него как раз сольный проект сейчас (Julian Plenti). Можно по текстам попробовать протипировать...

Вот парочка самых ярких текстов :

"Pace Is The Trick"

You can't hold it to tight
These matters of security
You don't have to be wound so tight
Smoking on the balcony
But it's that sleaze in a park
You women you have no self-control,
The angels remark outside
You were known for insatiable means
I don't know a thing

I've seen love, and I followed the speeding of starlight
I've seen love, and I followed the speeding of starswept night

Yeah pace is the trick

And to all the destruction in men
Well I see you as you take your pride
My lioness your defenses seem wise I cannot press
And detentions are demised, my lioness
Can't you hurt it some, think I hurt it

I've seen love, and I followed the speeding of starlight
I've seen love and I followed the speeding of starswept night

And now I select you, slow down I let you
See how I stun, see how I stun
And now I select you, slow down I let you
See how I stun, see how I stun

And to all the destruction in men
And to all the corruption in my hand
And now I select you, slow down I let you
See how I stun see how I stun 3x
And now I select you, slow down I let you
I always follow the speeding of starswept night

You don't hold... candle. x4

Ну и напоследок:

14 Апр 2010 16:49

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